Saturday, 11 February 2017

Moderne Feb Pieces

Asalaam aleikum loves, so i'm writing this post while on lunch break in isiolo, such a pretty view of hills from my hotel room, unfortunately i have a shit phone and i can't take good pictures. Perks of
having a job that needs you to move around a lot haha (humble brag much?) but on the other hand i am knee deep in a lot of paper work so that sucks. Now, let's move on to the side-hustle Moderne i mentioned this some time last year if you read my blog on the regular. i made new pieces for february, hopefully they sell out by the end of feb in shaa Allah but no pressure, Alhamdulilah, so far so great. I focus on official/casual wear and mostly dresses because i feel like people are most comfortable in dresses, because it's easy, no fuss right? trust me, since i got a job, i can't deal with outfits that require me to plan for them hehe. I did a shoot for the new pieces and here's what they look like. Let me know how you like them and what you'd like to see in future moderne pieces. You can place an order via MODERNE

 kshs 2700

kshs 2700 

 kshs 2500
 kshs 2600

Thanks for reading Xoxo.